Un ejemplar del Guerolo Guero de Pedro de Axular en la Biblioteca del Hidalgo guipuzcoano don Joaquín de Altuna, contador de la real hacienda de Fernando VI (1758)

José Luis Barrio Moya (1)
(1) Instituto de Estudios madrileños, España


Dowry letters constitute first rate documents to Know the framework of life in wich the existence of peoples of past centuries developed. In there bestowals were registred in meticolous maner, all of the belongings which one of the spouses gave to the union, and which at times turned out to have an astonishingly abundant richnes. We can find clear evidence of what we say in the asset tha don Joaquín de Altuna, cashier of exchequer of king Fenando VI, brough to his matrimony with doña Vicenta Díez, which was held in Madrid in 30 of july of 1758, and which included paintings, furniture, silver objects, clocks and one important library. who enumerate between under funds ono exemplar of the Guerolo Güero, of Pedro de Axular, book classic of literature in basque language, to publish in Burdeos in 1643.

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José Luis Barrio Moya
Barrio Moya, J.L. 2012. Un ejemplar del Guerolo Guero de Pedro de Axular en la Biblioteca del Hidalgo guipuzcoano don Joaquín de Altuna, contador de la real hacienda de Fernando VI (1758). Boletín de la Real Sociedad Bascongada de Amigos del País. 67, 1-2 (Jan. 2012).

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